lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

Urban Sketchers Filipinas

Drawing encounters are always positive. Last January 14, coinciding with our stay in the Philippines, we arranged a meeting with the group of Urban Sketchers Manila.

In this post. I would like to take the opportunity to thank our hosts: Muffy Roxas, Carlo Martinez, Nice Rodriguez, Anna, Amparo, Randy Valiente...
As Chinese New Year was just around the corner, we decided to meet in Binondo Square, in the Chinatown of Manila where dozen of sketchers participated  and we also coincided with Manila Urban Photographers. Furthermore, a Japanese television channel interviewed us and made  a report of our encounter.

About USK Philippines, there are currently two official USk chapters in the country: Urban Sketchers Manila, which was formed in May 2011, and Urban Sketchers Ilocos, which became official in January 2016.
Urban Sketchers Manila currently has more than 60 active members who join the
sketchwalks and share their works online, mostly through Facebook.

Siempre es positivo los encuentros de dibujantes. Coincidiendo con nuestra estancia en Filipinas, el pasado 14 de Enero habíamos quedado con el grupo de Urban Sketchers Manila.
Aprovecho esta entrada al blog para agradecer a nuestros anfitriones; Muffy Roxas, Carlo Martinez, Nice Rodriguez, Anna, Amparo, Randy Valiente, ...
Aprovechando las vísperas del año nuevo chino, habíamos quedado en la plaza Binondo, en el Chinatown de Manila.
A la cita acudimos una docena de dibujantes, además el grupo de Urban Photographers e incluso una cadena de televisión japonesa hicieron reportaje de nuestro encuentro.

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